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function f = calccod(x,y,dim,wantgain,wantmeansub)


function f = calccod(x,y,dim,wantgain,wantmeansub)


 function f = calccod(x,y,dim,wantgain,wantmeansub)

 <x>,<y> are matrices with the same dimensions
 <dim> (optional) is the dimension of interest.
   default to 2 if <x> is a (horizontal) vector and to 1 if not.
   special case is 0 which means to calculate globally.
 <wantgain> (optional) is
   0 means normal
   1 means allow a gain to be applied to each case of <x>
     to minimize the squared error with respect to <y>.
     in this case, there cannot be any NaNs in <x> or <y>.
   2 is like 1 except that gains are restricted to be non-negative.
     so, if the gain that minimizes the squared error is negative,
     we simply set the gain to be applied to be 0.
   default: 0.
 <wantmeansub> (optional) is
   0 means do not subtract any mean.  this makes it such that
     the variance quantification is relative to 0.
   1 means subtract the mean of each case of <y> from both
     <x> and <y> before performing the calculation.  this makes
     it such that the variance quantification
     is relative to the mean of each case of <y>.
     note that <wantgain> occurs before <wantmeansub>.
   default: 1.

 calculate the coefficient of determination (R^2) indicating
 the percent variance in <y> that is explained by <x>.  this is achieved
 by calculating 100*(1 - sum((y-x).^2) / sum(y.^2)).  note that
 by default, we subtract the mean of each case of <y> from both <x>
 and <y> before proceeding with the calculation.
 the quantity is at most 100 but can be 0 or negative (unbounded).  
 note that this metric is sensitive to DC and scale and is not symmetric 
 (i.e. if you swap <x> and <y>, you may obtain different results).  
 it is therefore fundamentally different than Pearson's correlation 
 coefficient (see calccorrelation.m).

 NaNs are handled gracefully (a NaN causes that data point to be ignored).

 if there are no valid data points (i.e. all data points are
 ignored because of NaNs), we return NaN for that case.

 note some weird cases:
   calccod([],[]) is []

 2013/08/18 - fix pernicious case where <x> is all zeros and <wantgain> is 1 or 2.
 2010/11/28 - add <wantgain>==2 case
 2010/11/23 - changed the output range to percentages.  thus, the range is (-Inf,100].
              also, we removed the <wantr> input since it was dumb.

 x = randn(1,100);


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function f = calccod(x,y,dim,wantgain,wantmeansub)
0003 % function f = calccod(x,y,dim,wantgain,wantmeansub)
0004 %
0005 % <x>,<y> are matrices with the same dimensions
0006 % <dim> (optional) is the dimension of interest.
0007 %   default to 2 if <x> is a (horizontal) vector and to 1 if not.
0008 %   special case is 0 which means to calculate globally.
0009 % <wantgain> (optional) is
0010 %   0 means normal
0011 %   1 means allow a gain to be applied to each case of <x>
0012 %     to minimize the squared error with respect to <y>.
0013 %     in this case, there cannot be any NaNs in <x> or <y>.
0014 %   2 is like 1 except that gains are restricted to be non-negative.
0015 %     so, if the gain that minimizes the squared error is negative,
0016 %     we simply set the gain to be applied to be 0.
0017 %   default: 0.
0018 % <wantmeansub> (optional) is
0019 %   0 means do not subtract any mean.  this makes it such that
0020 %     the variance quantification is relative to 0.
0021 %   1 means subtract the mean of each case of <y> from both
0022 %     <x> and <y> before performing the calculation.  this makes
0023 %     it such that the variance quantification
0024 %     is relative to the mean of each case of <y>.
0025 %     note that <wantgain> occurs before <wantmeansub>.
0026 %   default: 1.
0027 %
0028 % calculate the coefficient of determination (R^2) indicating
0029 % the percent variance in <y> that is explained by <x>.  this is achieved
0030 % by calculating 100*(1 - sum((y-x).^2) / sum(y.^2)).  note that
0031 % by default, we subtract the mean of each case of <y> from both <x>
0032 % and <y> before proceeding with the calculation.
0033 %
0034 % the quantity is at most 100 but can be 0 or negative (unbounded).
0035 % note that this metric is sensitive to DC and scale and is not symmetric
0036 % (i.e. if you swap <x> and <y>, you may obtain different results).
0037 % it is therefore fundamentally different than Pearson's correlation
0038 % coefficient (see calccorrelation.m).
0039 %
0040 % NaNs are handled gracefully (a NaN causes that data point to be ignored).
0041 %
0042 % if there are no valid data points (i.e. all data points are
0043 % ignored because of NaNs), we return NaN for that case.
0044 %
0045 % note some weird cases:
0046 %   calccod([],[]) is []
0047 %
0048 % history:
0049 % 2013/08/18 - fix pernicious case where <x> is all zeros and <wantgain> is 1 or 2.
0050 % 2010/11/28 - add <wantgain>==2 case
0051 % 2010/11/23 - changed the output range to percentages.  thus, the range is (-Inf,100].
0052 %              also, we removed the <wantr> input since it was dumb.
0053 %
0054 % example:
0055 % x = randn(1,100);
0056 % calccod(x,x+0.1*randn(1,100))
0058 % input
0059 if ~exist('dim','var') || isempty(dim)
0060   if isvector(x) && size(x,1)==1
0061     dim = 2;
0062   else
0063     dim = 1;
0064   end
0065 end
0066 if ~exist('wantgain','var') || isempty(wantgain)
0067   wantgain = 0;
0068 end
0069 if ~exist('wantmeansub','var') || isempty(wantmeansub)
0070   wantmeansub = 1;
0071 end
0073 % handle weird case up front
0074 if isempty(x)
0075   f = [];
0076   return;
0077 end
0079 % handle 0 case
0080 if dim==0
0081   x = x(:);
0082   y = y(:);
0083   dim = 1;
0084 end
0086 % handle gain
0087 if wantgain
0088   % to get the residuals, we want to do something like y-x*inv(x'*x)*x'*y
0089   temp = 1./dot(x,x,dim) .* dot(x,y,dim);
0090   if wantgain==2
0091     temp(temp < 0) = 0;  % if the gain was going to be negative, rectify it to 0.
0092   end
0093   x = bsxfun(@times,x,temp);
0094 end
0096 % propagate NaNs (i.e. ignore invalid data points)
0097 x(isnan(y)) = NaN;
0098 y(isnan(x)) = NaN;
0100 % handle mean subtraction
0101 if wantmeansub
0102   mn = nanmean(y,dim);
0103   y = bsxfun(@minus,y,mn);
0104   x = bsxfun(@minus,x,mn);
0105 end
0107 % finally, compute it
0108 f = 100*(1 - zerodiv(nansum((y-x).^2,dim),nansum(y.^2,dim),NaN,0));
0115 % JUNK:
0116 %
0117 % % <wantr> (optional) is whether to apply signedarraypower(f,0.5)
0118 % %   at the very end, giving something like a correlation coefficient (r).
0119 % %   default: 1.
0120 %
0121 % if ~exist('wantr','var') || isempty(wantr)
0122 %   wantr = 1;
0123 % end
0124 %
0125 % if wantr
0126 %   f = signedarraypower(f,0.5);
0127 % end

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