Home > analyzePRF > analyzePRF.m



function results = analyzePRF(stimulus,data,tr,options)


function results = analyzePRF(stimulus,data,tr,options)


 function results = analyzePRF(stimulus,data,tr,options)

 <stimulus> provides the apertures as a cell vector of R x C x time.
   values should be in [0,1].  the number of time points can differ across runs.
 <data> provides the data as a cell vector of voxels x time.  can also be
   X x Y x Z x time.  the number of time points should match the number of 
   time points in <stimulus>.
 <tr> is the TR in seconds (e.g. 1.5)
 <options> (optional) is a struct with the following fields:
   <vxs> (optional) is a vector of voxel indices to analyze.  (we automatically
     sort the voxel indices and ensure uniqueness.)  default is 1:V where 
     V is total number of voxels.  to reduce computational time, you may want 
     to create a binary brain mask, perform find() on it, and use the result as <vxs>.
   <wantglmdenoise> (optional) is whether to use GLMdenoise to determine
     nuisance regressors to add into the PRF model.  note that in order to use
     this feature, there must be at least two runs (and conditions must repeat
     across runs).  we automatically determine the GLM design matrix based on
     the contents of <stimulus>.  special case is to pass in the noise regressors 
     directly (e.g. from a previous call).  default: 0.
   <hrf> (optional) is a column vector with the hemodynamic response function (HRF)
     to use in the model.  the first value of <hrf> should be coincident with the onset
     of the stimulus, and the HRF should indicate the timecourse of the response to
     a stimulus that lasts for one TR.  default is to use a canonical HRF (calculated
     using getcanonicalhrf(tr,tr)').
   <maxpolydeg> (optional) is a non-negative integer indicating the maximum polynomial
     degree to use for drift terms.  can be a vector whose length matches the number
     of runs in <data>.  default is to use round(L/2) where L is the number of minutes
     in the duration of a given run.
   <seedmode> (optional) is a vector consisting of one or more of the
     following values (we automatically sort and ensure uniqueness):
       0 means use generic large PRF seed
       1 means use generic small PRF seed
       2 means use best seed based on super-grid
     default: [0 1 2].
   <xvalmode> (optional) is
     0 means just fit all the data
     1 means two-fold cross-validation (first half of runs; second half of runs)
     2 means two-fold cross-validation (first half of each run; second half of each run)
     default: 0.  (note that we round when halving.)
   <numperjob> (optional) is
     [] means to run locally (not on the cluster)
     N where N is a positive integer indicating the number of voxels to analyze in each 
       cluster job.  this option requires a customized computational setup!
     default: [].
   <maxiter> (optional) is the maximum number of iterations.  default: 500.
   <display> (optional) is 'iter' | 'final' | 'off'.  default: 'iter'.
   <typicalgain> (optional) is a typical value for the gain in each time-series.
     default: 10.

 Analyze pRF data and return the results.

 The results structure contains the following fields:
 <ang> contains pRF angle estimates.  Values range between 0 and 360 degrees.
   0 corresponds to the right horizontal meridian, 90 corresponds to the upper vertical
   meridian, and so on.
 <ecc> contains pRF eccentricity estimates.  Values are in pixel units with a lower
   bound of 0 pixels.
 <rfsize> contains pRF size estimates.  pRF size is defined as sigma/sqrt(n) where
   sigma is the standard of the 2D Gaussian and n is the exponent of the power-law
   function.  Values are in pixel units with a lower bound of 0 pixels.
 <expt> contains pRF exponent estimates.
 <gain> contains pRF gain estimates.  Values are in the same units of the data
   and are constrained to be non-negative.
 <R2> contains R^2 values that indicate the goodness-of-fit of the model to the data.
   Values are in percentages and generally range between 0% and 100%.  The R^2 values
   are computed after projecting out polynomials from both the data and the model fit.
   (Because of this projection, R^2 values can sometimes drop below 0%.)  Note that
   if cross-validation is used (see <xvalmode>), the interpretation of <R2> changes
 <resnorms> and <numiters> contain optimization details (residual norms and 
   number of iterations, respectively).
 <meanvol> contains the mean volume, that is, the mean of each voxel's time-series.
 <noisereg> contains a record of the noise regressors used in the model.
 <params> contains a record of the raw parameter estimates that are obtained internally
   in the code.  These raw parameters are transformed to a more palatable format for
   the user (as described above).
 <options> contains a record of the options used in the call to analyzePRF.m.

 Details on the pRF model:
 - Before analysis, we zero out any voxel that has a non-finite value or has all zeros
   in at least one of the runs.  This prevents weird issues due to missing or bad data.
 - The pRF model that is fit is similar to that described in Dumoulin and Wandell (2008),
   except that a static power-law nonlinearity is added to the model.  This new model, 
   called the Compressive Spatial Summation (CSS) model, is described in Kay, Winawer, 
   Mezer, & Wandell (2013).
 - The model involves computing the dot-product between the stimulus and a 2D isotropic
   Gaussian, raising the result to an exponent, scaling the result by a gain factor,
   and then convolving the result with a hemodynamic response function (HRF).  Polynomial
   terms are included (on a run-by-run basis) to model the baseline signal level.
 - The 2D isotropic Gaussian is scaled such that the summation of the values in the
   Gaussian is equal to one.  This eases the interpretation of the gain of the model.
 - The exponent parameter in the model is constrained to be non-negative.
 - The gain factor in the model is constrained to be non-negative; this aids the 
   interpretation of the model (e.g. helps avoid voxels with negative BOLD responses
   to the stimuli).
 - The workhorse of the analysis is fitnonlinearmodel.m, which is essentially a wrapper 
   around routines in the MATLAB Optimization Toolbox.  We use the Levenberg-Marquardt 
   algorithm for optimization, minimizing squared error between the model and the data.
 - A two-stage optimization strategy is used whereby all parameters excluding the
   exponent parameter are first optimized (holding the exponent parameter fixed) and 
   then all parameters are optimized (including the exponent parameter).  This 
   strategy helps avoid local minima.

 Regarding GLMdenoise:
 - If the <wantglmdenoise> option is specified, we derive noise regressors using
   GLMdenoise prior to model fitting.  This is done by creating a GLM design matrix
   based on the contents of <stimulus> and then using this design matrix in conjunction
   with GLMdenoise to analyze the data.  The noise regressors identified by GLMdenoise
   are then used in the fitting of the pRF models (the regressors enter the model
   additively, just like the polynomial regressors).

 Regarding seeding issues:
 - To minimize the impact of local minima, the default strategy is to perform full 
   optimizations starting from three different initial seeds.
 - The first seed is a generic large pRF that is centered with respect to the stimulus,
   has a pRF size equal to 1/4th of the stimulus extent (thus, +/- 2 pRF sizes matches
   the stimulus extent), and has an exponent of 0.5.
 - The second seed is a generic small pRF that is just like the first seed except has
   a pRF size that is 10 times smaller.
 - The third seed is a "supergrid" seed that is identified by performing a quick grid
   search prior to optimization (similar in spirit to methods described in Dumoulin and 
   Wandell, 2008).  In this procedure, a list of potential seeds is constructed by 
   exploring a range of eccentricities, angles, and exponents.  For each potential 
   seed, the model prediction is computed, and the seed that produces the closest 
   match to the data is identified.  Note that the supergrid seed may be different
   for different voxels.

 2014/06/17 - version 1.1
 2014/06/15 - add inputs <hrf> and <maxpolydeg>.
 2014/06/10 - version 1.0
 2014/04/27 - gain seed is now set to 0; add gain to the output
 2014/04/29 - use typicalgain now (default 10). allow display input.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function results = analyzePRF(stimulus,data,tr,options)
0003 % function results = analyzePRF(stimulus,data,tr,options)
0004 %
0005 % <stimulus> provides the apertures as a cell vector of R x C x time.
0006 %   values should be in [0,1].  the number of time points can differ across runs.
0007 % <data> provides the data as a cell vector of voxels x time.  can also be
0008 %   X x Y x Z x time.  the number of time points should match the number of
0009 %   time points in <stimulus>.
0010 % <tr> is the TR in seconds (e.g. 1.5)
0011 % <options> (optional) is a struct with the following fields:
0012 %   <vxs> (optional) is a vector of voxel indices to analyze.  (we automatically
0013 %     sort the voxel indices and ensure uniqueness.)  default is 1:V where
0014 %     V is total number of voxels.  to reduce computational time, you may want
0015 %     to create a binary brain mask, perform find() on it, and use the result as <vxs>.
0016 %   <wantglmdenoise> (optional) is whether to use GLMdenoise to determine
0017 %     nuisance regressors to add into the PRF model.  note that in order to use
0018 %     this feature, there must be at least two runs (and conditions must repeat
0019 %     across runs).  we automatically determine the GLM design matrix based on
0020 %     the contents of <stimulus>.  special case is to pass in the noise regressors
0021 %     directly (e.g. from a previous call).  default: 0.
0022 %   <hrf> (optional) is a column vector with the hemodynamic response function (HRF)
0023 %     to use in the model.  the first value of <hrf> should be coincident with the onset
0024 %     of the stimulus, and the HRF should indicate the timecourse of the response to
0025 %     a stimulus that lasts for one TR.  default is to use a canonical HRF (calculated
0026 %     using getcanonicalhrf(tr,tr)').
0027 %   <maxpolydeg> (optional) is a non-negative integer indicating the maximum polynomial
0028 %     degree to use for drift terms.  can be a vector whose length matches the number
0029 %     of runs in <data>.  default is to use round(L/2) where L is the number of minutes
0030 %     in the duration of a given run.
0031 %   <seedmode> (optional) is a vector consisting of one or more of the
0032 %     following values (we automatically sort and ensure uniqueness):
0033 %       0 means use generic large PRF seed
0034 %       1 means use generic small PRF seed
0035 %       2 means use best seed based on super-grid
0036 %     default: [0 1 2].
0037 %   <xvalmode> (optional) is
0038 %     0 means just fit all the data
0039 %     1 means two-fold cross-validation (first half of runs; second half of runs)
0040 %     2 means two-fold cross-validation (first half of each run; second half of each run)
0041 %     default: 0.  (note that we round when halving.)
0042 %   <numperjob> (optional) is
0043 %     [] means to run locally (not on the cluster)
0044 %     N where N is a positive integer indicating the number of voxels to analyze in each
0045 %       cluster job.  this option requires a customized computational setup!
0046 %     default: [].
0047 %   <maxiter> (optional) is the maximum number of iterations.  default: 500.
0048 %   <display> (optional) is 'iter' | 'final' | 'off'.  default: 'iter'.
0049 %   <typicalgain> (optional) is a typical value for the gain in each time-series.
0050 %     default: 10.
0051 %
0052 % Analyze pRF data and return the results.
0053 %
0054 % The results structure contains the following fields:
0055 % <ang> contains pRF angle estimates.  Values range between 0 and 360 degrees.
0056 %   0 corresponds to the right horizontal meridian, 90 corresponds to the upper vertical
0057 %   meridian, and so on.
0058 % <ecc> contains pRF eccentricity estimates.  Values are in pixel units with a lower
0059 %   bound of 0 pixels.
0060 % <rfsize> contains pRF size estimates.  pRF size is defined as sigma/sqrt(n) where
0061 %   sigma is the standard of the 2D Gaussian and n is the exponent of the power-law
0062 %   function.  Values are in pixel units with a lower bound of 0 pixels.
0063 % <expt> contains pRF exponent estimates.
0064 % <gain> contains pRF gain estimates.  Values are in the same units of the data
0065 %   and are constrained to be non-negative.
0066 % <R2> contains R^2 values that indicate the goodness-of-fit of the model to the data.
0067 %   Values are in percentages and generally range between 0% and 100%.  The R^2 values
0068 %   are computed after projecting out polynomials from both the data and the model fit.
0069 %   (Because of this projection, R^2 values can sometimes drop below 0%.)  Note that
0070 %   if cross-validation is used (see <xvalmode>), the interpretation of <R2> changes
0071 %   accordingly.
0072 % <resnorms> and <numiters> contain optimization details (residual norms and
0073 %   number of iterations, respectively).
0074 % <meanvol> contains the mean volume, that is, the mean of each voxel's time-series.
0075 % <noisereg> contains a record of the noise regressors used in the model.
0076 % <params> contains a record of the raw parameter estimates that are obtained internally
0077 %   in the code.  These raw parameters are transformed to a more palatable format for
0078 %   the user (as described above).
0079 % <options> contains a record of the options used in the call to analyzePRF.m.
0080 %
0081 % Details on the pRF model:
0082 % - Before analysis, we zero out any voxel that has a non-finite value or has all zeros
0083 %   in at least one of the runs.  This prevents weird issues due to missing or bad data.
0084 % - The pRF model that is fit is similar to that described in Dumoulin and Wandell (2008),
0085 %   except that a static power-law nonlinearity is added to the model.  This new model,
0086 %   called the Compressive Spatial Summation (CSS) model, is described in Kay, Winawer,
0087 %   Mezer, & Wandell (2013).
0088 % - The model involves computing the dot-product between the stimulus and a 2D isotropic
0089 %   Gaussian, raising the result to an exponent, scaling the result by a gain factor,
0090 %   and then convolving the result with a hemodynamic response function (HRF).  Polynomial
0091 %   terms are included (on a run-by-run basis) to model the baseline signal level.
0092 % - The 2D isotropic Gaussian is scaled such that the summation of the values in the
0093 %   Gaussian is equal to one.  This eases the interpretation of the gain of the model.
0094 % - The exponent parameter in the model is constrained to be non-negative.
0095 % - The gain factor in the model is constrained to be non-negative; this aids the
0096 %   interpretation of the model (e.g. helps avoid voxels with negative BOLD responses
0097 %   to the stimuli).
0098 % - The workhorse of the analysis is fitnonlinearmodel.m, which is essentially a wrapper
0099 %   around routines in the MATLAB Optimization Toolbox.  We use the Levenberg-Marquardt
0100 %   algorithm for optimization, minimizing squared error between the model and the data.
0101 % - A two-stage optimization strategy is used whereby all parameters excluding the
0102 %   exponent parameter are first optimized (holding the exponent parameter fixed) and
0103 %   then all parameters are optimized (including the exponent parameter).  This
0104 %   strategy helps avoid local minima.
0105 %
0106 % Regarding GLMdenoise:
0107 % - If the <wantglmdenoise> option is specified, we derive noise regressors using
0108 %   GLMdenoise prior to model fitting.  This is done by creating a GLM design matrix
0109 %   based on the contents of <stimulus> and then using this design matrix in conjunction
0110 %   with GLMdenoise to analyze the data.  The noise regressors identified by GLMdenoise
0111 %   are then used in the fitting of the pRF models (the regressors enter the model
0112 %   additively, just like the polynomial regressors).
0113 %
0114 % Regarding seeding issues:
0115 % - To minimize the impact of local minima, the default strategy is to perform full
0116 %   optimizations starting from three different initial seeds.
0117 % - The first seed is a generic large pRF that is centered with respect to the stimulus,
0118 %   has a pRF size equal to 1/4th of the stimulus extent (thus, +/- 2 pRF sizes matches
0119 %   the stimulus extent), and has an exponent of 0.5.
0120 % - The second seed is a generic small pRF that is just like the first seed except has
0121 %   a pRF size that is 10 times smaller.
0122 % - The third seed is a "supergrid" seed that is identified by performing a quick grid
0123 %   search prior to optimization (similar in spirit to methods described in Dumoulin and
0124 %   Wandell, 2008).  In this procedure, a list of potential seeds is constructed by
0125 %   exploring a range of eccentricities, angles, and exponents.  For each potential
0126 %   seed, the model prediction is computed, and the seed that produces the closest
0127 %   match to the data is identified.  Note that the supergrid seed may be different
0128 %   for different voxels.
0129 %
0130 % history:
0131 % 2014/06/17 - version 1.1
0132 % 2014/06/15 - add inputs <hrf> and <maxpolydeg>.
0133 % 2014/06/10 - version 1.0
0134 % 2014/04/27 - gain seed is now set to 0; add gain to the output
0135 % 2014/04/29 - use typicalgain now (default 10). allow display input.
0137 % internal notes:
0138 % - for cluster mode, need to make sure fitnonlinearmodel is compiled (compilemcc.m)
0139 % - to check whether local minima are a problem, can look at results.resnorms
0141 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REPORT
0143 fprintf('*** analyzePRF: started at %s. ***\n',datestr(now));
0144 stime = clock;  % start time
0146 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INTERNAL CONSTANTS
0148 % define
0149 remotedir = '/scratch/knk/input/';
0150 remotedir2 = '/scratch/knk/output/';
0151 remotelogin = 'knk@login2.chpc.wustl.edu';
0152 remoteuser = 'knk';
0154 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SETUP AND PREPARATION
0156 % massage cell inputs
0157 if ~iscell(stimulus)
0158   stimulus = {stimulus};
0159 end
0160 if ~iscell(data)
0161   data = {data};
0162 end
0164 % calc
0165 is3d = size(data{1},4) > 1;
0166 if is3d
0167   dimdata = 3;
0168   dimtime = 4;
0169   xyzsize = sizefull(data{1},3);
0170 else
0171   dimdata = 1;
0172   dimtime = 2;
0173   xyzsize = size(data{1},1);
0174 end
0175 numvxs = prod(xyzsize);
0177 % calc
0178 res = sizefull(stimulus{1},2);
0179 resmx = max(res);
0180 numruns = length(data);
0182 % deal with inputs
0183 if ~exist('options','var') || isempty(options)
0184   options = struct();
0185 end
0186 if ~isfield(options,'vxs') || isempty(options.vxs)
0187   options.vxs = 1:numvxs;
0188 end
0189 if ~isfield(options,'wantglmdenoise') || isempty(options.wantglmdenoise)
0190   options.wantglmdenoise = 0;
0191 end
0192 if ~isfield(options,'hrf') || isempty(options.hrf)
0193   options.hrf = [];
0194 end
0195 if ~isfield(options,'maxpolydeg') || isempty(options.maxpolydeg)
0196   options.maxpolydeg = [];
0197 end
0198 if ~isfield(options,'seedmode') || isempty(options.seedmode)
0199   options.seedmode = [0 1 2];
0200 end
0201 if ~isfield(options,'xvalmode') || isempty(options.xvalmode)
0202   options.xvalmode = 0;
0203 end
0204 if ~isfield(options,'numperjob') || isempty(options.numperjob)
0205   options.numperjob = [];
0206 end
0207 if ~isfield(options,'maxiter') || isempty(options.maxiter)
0208   options.maxiter = 500;
0209 end
0210 if ~isfield(options,'display') || isempty(options.display)
0211   options.display = 'iter';
0212 end
0213 if ~isfield(options,'typicalgain') || isempty(options.typicalgain)
0214   options.typicalgain = 10;
0215 end
0217 % massage
0218 options.seedmode = union(options.seedmode(:),[]);
0220 % calc
0221 usecluster = ~isempty(options.numperjob);
0223 % prepare stimuli
0224 for p=1:length(stimulus)
0225   stimulus{p} = squish(stimulus{p},2)';  % frames x pixels
0226   stimulus{p} = [stimulus{p} p*ones(size(stimulus{p},1),1)];  % add a dummy column to indicate run breaks
0227   stimulus{p} = single(stimulus{p});  % make single to save memory
0228 end
0230 % deal with data badness (set bad voxels to be always all 0)
0231 bad = cellfun(@(x) any(~isfinite(x),dimtime) | all(x==0,dimtime),data,'UniformOutput',0);  % if non-finite or all 0
0232 bad = any(cat(dimtime,bad{:}),dimtime);  % badness in ANY run
0233 for p=1:numruns
0234   data{p}(repmat(bad,[ones(1,dimdata) size(data{p},dimtime)])) = 0;
0235 end
0237 % calc mean volume
0238 meanvol = mean(catcell(dimtime,data),dimtime);
0240 % what HRF should we use?
0241 if isempty(options.hrf)
0242   options.hrf = getcanonicalhrf(tr,tr)';
0243 end
0244 numinhrf = length(options.hrf);
0246 % what polynomials should we use?
0247 if isempty(options.maxpolydeg)
0248   options.maxpolydeg = cellfun(@(x) round(size(x,dimtime)*tr/60/2),data);
0249 end
0250 if isscalar(options.maxpolydeg)
0251   options.maxpolydeg = repmat(options.maxpolydeg,[1 numruns]);
0252 end
0253 fprintf('using the following maximum polynomial degrees: %s\n',mat2str(options.maxpolydeg));
0255 % initialize cluster stuff
0256 if usecluster
0257   localfilestodelete = {};
0258   remotefilestodelete = {};
0259 end
0261 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FIGURE OUT NOISE REGRESSORS
0263 if isequal(options.wantglmdenoise,1)
0264   noisereg = analyzePRFcomputeGLMdenoiseregressors(stimulus,data,tr);
0265 elseif isequal(options.wantglmdenoise,0)
0266   noisereg = [];
0267 else
0268   noisereg = options.wantglmdenoise;
0269 end
0271 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PREPARE MODEL
0273 % pre-compute some cache
0274 [d,xx,yy] = makegaussian2d(resmx,2,2,2,2);
0276 % define the model (parameters are R C S G N)
0277 modelfun = @(pp,dd) conv2run(posrect(pp(4)) * (dd*[vflatten(placematrix(zeros(res),makegaussian2d(resmx,pp(1),pp(2),abs(pp(3)),abs(pp(3)),xx,yy,0,0) / (2*pi*abs(pp(3))^2))); 0]) .^ posrect(pp(5)),options.hrf,dd(:,prod(res)+1));
0278 model = {{[] [1-res(1)+1 1-res(2)+1 0    0   NaN;
0279               2*res(1)-1 2*res(2)-1 Inf  Inf Inf] modelfun} ...
0280          {@(ss)ss [1-res(1)+1 1-res(2)+1 0    0   0;
0281                    2*res(1)-1 2*res(2)-1 Inf  Inf Inf] @(ss)modelfun}};
0283 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PREPARE SEEDS
0285 % init
0286 seeds = [];
0288 % generic large seed
0289 if ismember(0,options.seedmode)
0290   seeds = [seeds;
0291            (1+res(1))/2 (1+res(2))/2 resmx/4*sqrt(0.5) options.typicalgain 0.5];
0292 end
0294 % generic small seed
0295 if ismember(1,options.seedmode)
0296   seeds = [seeds;
0297            (1+res(1))/2 (1+res(2))/2 resmx/4*sqrt(0.5)/10 options.typicalgain 0.5];
0298 end
0300 % super-grid seed
0301 if ismember(2,options.seedmode)
0302   supergridseeds = analyzePRFcomputesupergridseeds(res,stimulus,data,modelfun, ...
0303                                                    options.maxpolydeg,dimdata,dimtime, ...
0304                                                    options.typicalgain);
0305 end
0307 % make a function that individualizes the seeds
0308 if exist('supergridseeds','var')
0309   seedfun = @(vx) [[seeds];
0310                    [subscript(squish(supergridseeds,dimdata),{vx ':'})]];
0311 else
0312   seedfun = @(vx) [seeds];
0313 end
0315 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PREPARE RESAMPLING STUFF
0317 % define wantresampleruns and resampling
0318 switch options.xvalmode
0319 case 0
0320   wantresampleruns = [];
0321   resampling = 0;
0322 case 1
0323   wantresampleruns = 1;
0324   half1 = copymatrix(zeros(1,length(data)),1:round(length(data)/2),1);
0325   half2 = ~half1;
0326   resampling = [(1)*half1 + (-1)*half2;
0327                 (-1)*half1 + (1)*half2];
0328 case 2
0329   wantresampleruns = 0;
0330   resampling = [];
0331   for p=1:length(data)
0332     half1 = copymatrix(zeros(1,size(data{p},2)),1:round(size(data{p},2)/2),1);
0333     half2 = ~half1;
0334     resampling = cat(2,resampling,[(1)*half1 + (-1)*half2;
0335                                    (-1)*half1 + (1)*half2]);
0336   end
0337 end
0339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PREPARE STIMULUS AND DATA
0341 %%%%% CLUSTER CASE
0343 if usecluster
0345   % save stimulus and transport to the remote server
0346   while 1
0347     filename0 = sprintf('stim%s.mat',randomword(5));  % file name
0348     localfile0 = [tempdir '/' filename0];             % local path to file
0349     remotefile0 = [remotedir '/' filename0];          % remote path to file
0351     % redo if file already exists locally or remotely
0352     if exist(localfile0) || 0==unix(sprintf('ssh %s ls %s',remotelogin,remotefile0))
0353       continue;
0354     end
0356     % save file and transport it
0357     save(localfile0,'stimulus');
0358     assert(0==unix(sprintf('rsync -av %s %s:"%s/"',localfile0,remotelogin,remotedir)));
0360     % record
0361     localfilestodelete{end+1} = localfile0;
0362     remotefilestodelete{end+1} = remotefile0;
0364     % stop
0365     break;
0366   end
0367   clear stimulus;  % don't let it bleed through anywhere!
0369   % define stimulus
0370   stimulus = @() loadmulti(remotefile0,'stimulus');
0372   % save data and transport to the remote server
0373   while 1
0374     filename0 = sprintf('data%s',randomword(5));   % directory name that will contain 001.bin, etc.
0375     localfile0 = [tempdir '/' filename0];          % local path to dir
0376     remotefile0 = [remotedir '/' filename0];       % remote path to dir
0378     % redo if dir already exists locally or remotely
0379     if exist(localfile0) || 0==unix(sprintf('ssh %s ls %s',remotelogin,remotefile0))
0380       continue;
0381     end
0383     % save files and transport them
0384     assert(mkdir(localfile0));
0385     for p=1:numruns
0386       savebinary([localfile0 sprintf('/%03d.bin',p)],'single',squish(data{p},dimdata)');  % notice squish
0387     end
0388     assert(0==unix(sprintf('rsync -av %s %s:"%s/"',localfile0,remotelogin,remotedir)));
0390     % record
0391     localfilestodelete{end+1} = localfile0;
0392     remotefilestodelete{end+1} = remotefile0;
0394     % stop
0395     break;
0396   end
0397   clear data;
0399   % define data
0400   binfiles = cellfun(@(x) [remotefile0 sprintf('/%03d.bin',x)],num2cell(1:numruns),'UniformOutput',0);
0401   data = @(vxs) cellfun(@(x) double(loadbinary(x,'single',[0 numvxs],-vxs)),binfiles,'UniformOutput',0);
0403   % prepare the output directory name
0404   while 1
0405     filename0 = sprintf('prfresults%s',randomword(5));
0406     localfile0 = [tempdir '/' filename0];
0407     remotefile0 = [remotedir2 '/' filename0];
0408     if exist(localfile0) || 0==unix(sprintf('ssh %s ls %s',remotelogin,remotefile0))
0409       continue;
0410     end
0411     localfilestodelete{end+1} = localfile0;
0412     localfilestodelete{end+1} = [localfile0 '.mat'];  % after consolidation
0413     remotefilestodelete{end+1} = remotefile0;
0414     break;
0415   end
0416   outputdirlocal = localfile0;
0417   outputdirremote = remotefile0;
0418   outputdir = outputdirremote;
0422 else
0424   stimulus = {stimulus};
0425   data = @(vxs) cellfun(@(x) subscript(squish(x,dimdata),{vxs ':'})',data,'UniformOutput',0);
0426   outputdir = [];
0428 end
0430 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PREPARE OPTIONS
0432 % last-minute prep
0433 if iscell(noisereg)
0434   noiseregINPUT = {noisereg};
0435 else
0436   noiseregINPUT = noisereg;
0437 end
0439 % construct the options struct
0440 opt = struct( ...
0441   'outputdir',outputdir, ...
0442   'stimulus',stimulus, ...
0443   'data',data, ...
0444   'vxs',options.vxs, ...
0445   'model',{model}, ...
0446   'seed',seedfun, ...
0447   'optimoptions',{{'Display' options.display 'Algorithm' 'levenberg-marquardt' 'MaxIter' options.maxiter}}, ...
0448   'wantresampleruns',wantresampleruns, ...
0449   'resampling',resampling, ...
0450   'metric',@calccod, ...
0451   'maxpolydeg',options.maxpolydeg, ...
0452   'wantremovepoly',1, ...
0453   'extraregressors',noiseregINPUT, ...
0454   'wantremoveextra',0, ...
0455   'dontsave',{{'modelfit' 'opt' 'vxsfull' 'modelpred' 'testdata'}});  % 'resnorms' 'numiters'
0457         %  'outputfcn',@(a,b,c,d) pause2(.1) | outputfcnsanitycheck(a,b,c,1e-6,10) | outputfcnplot(a,b,c,1,d), ...
0458         %'outputfcn',@(a,b,c,d) pause2(.1) | outputfcnsanitycheck(a,b,c,1e-6,10) | outputfcnplot(a,b,c,1,d));
0459         %   % debugging:
0460         %   chpcstimfile = '/stone/ext1/knk/HCPretinotopy/conimagesB.mat';
0461         %   chpcdatadir2 = outputdir2;  % go back
0462         %   opt.outputdir='~/temp1';
0463         %   profile on;
0464         %   results = fitnonlinearmodel(opt,100,100);
0465         %   results = fitnonlinearmodel(opt,1,715233);
0466         %   profsave(profile('info'),'~/inout/profile_results');
0467         % %   modelfit = feval(modelfun,results.params,feval(stimulusINPUT));
0468         % %   thedata = feval(dataINPUT,52948);
0469         % %   pmatrix = projectionmatrix(constructpolynomialmatrix(304,0:3));
0470         % %   figure; hold on;
0471         % %   plot(pmatrix*thedata,'k-');
0472         % %   plot(pmatrix*modelfit,'r-');
0474 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FIT MODEL
0476 %%%%% CLUSTER CASE
0478 if usecluster
0480   % submit jobs
0481   jobnames = {};
0482   jobnames = [jobnames {makedirid(opt.outputdir,1)}];
0483   jobids = [];
0484   jobids = [jobids chpcrun(jobnames{end},'fitnonlinearmodel',options.numperjob, ...
0485                            1,ceil(length(options.vxs)/options.numperjob),[], ...
0486                            {'data' 'stimulus' 'bad' 'd' 'xx' 'yy' 'modelfun' 'model'})];
0488   % record additional files to delete
0489   for p=1:length(jobnames)
0490     remotefilestodelete{end+1} = sprintf('~/sgeoutput/job_%s.*',jobnames{p});  % .o and .e files
0491     remotefilestodelete{end+1} = sprintf('~/mcc/job_%s.mat',jobnames{p});
0492     localfilestodelete{end+1} = sprintf('~/mcc/job_%s.mat',jobnames{p});
0493   end
0495   % wait for jobs to finish
0496   sgewaitjobs(jobnames,jobids,remotelogin,remoteuser);
0498   % download the results
0499   assert(0==unix(sprintf('rsync -a %s:"%s" "%s/"',remotelogin,outputdirremote,tempdir)));
0501   % consolidate the results
0502   fitnonlinearmodel_consolidate(outputdirlocal);
0504   % load the results
0505   a1 = load([outputdirlocal '.mat']);
0509 else
0511   a1 = fitnonlinearmodel(opt);
0513 end
0515 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PREPARE OUTPUT
0517 % calc
0518 numfits = size(a1.params,1);
0520 % init
0521 clear results;
0522 results.ang =      NaN*zeros(numvxs,numfits);
0523 results.ecc =      NaN*zeros(numvxs,numfits);
0524 results.expt =     NaN*zeros(numvxs,numfits);
0525 results.rfsize =   NaN*zeros(numvxs,numfits);
0526 results.R2 =       NaN*zeros(numvxs,numfits);
0527 results.gain =     NaN*zeros(numvxs,numfits);
0528 results.resnorms = cell(numvxs,1);
0529 results.numiters = cell(numvxs,1);
0531 % massage model parameters for output and put in 'results' struct
0532 results.ang(options.vxs,:) =    permute(mod(atan2((1+res(1))/2 - a1.params(:,1,:), ...
0533                                                   a1.params(:,2,:) - (1+res(2))/2),2*pi)/pi*180,[3 1 2]);
0534 results.ecc(options.vxs,:) =    permute(sqrt(((1+res(1))/2 - a1.params(:,1,:)).^2 + ...
0535                                              (a1.params(:,2,:) - (1+res(2))/2).^2),[3 1 2]);
0536 results.expt(options.vxs,:) =   permute(posrect(a1.params(:,5,:)),[3 1 2]);
0537 results.rfsize(options.vxs,:) = permute(abs(a1.params(:,3,:)) ./ sqrt(posrect(a1.params(:,5,:))),[3 1 2]);
0538 results.R2(options.vxs,:) =     permute(a1.trainperformance,[2 1]);
0539 results.gain(options.vxs,:) =   permute(posrect(a1.params(:,4,:)),[3 1 2]);
0540 results.resnorms(options.vxs) = a1.resnorms;
0541 results.numiters(options.vxs) = a1.numiters;
0543 % reshape
0544 results.ang =      reshape(results.ang,      [xyzsize numfits]);
0545 results.ecc =      reshape(results.ecc,      [xyzsize numfits]);
0546 results.expt =     reshape(results.expt,     [xyzsize numfits]);
0547 results.rfsize =   reshape(results.rfsize,   [xyzsize numfits]);
0548 results.R2 =       reshape(results.R2,       [xyzsize numfits]);
0549 results.gain =     reshape(results.gain,     [xyzsize numfits]);
0550 results.resnorms = reshape(results.resnorms, [xyzsize 1]);
0551 results.numiters = reshape(results.numiters, [xyzsize 1]);
0553 % add some more stuff
0554 results.meanvol =  meanvol;
0555 results.noisereg = noisereg;
0556 results.params =   a1.params;
0557 results.options = options;
0559 % save 'results' to a temporary file so we don't lose these precious results!
0560 file0 = [tempname '.mat'];
0561 fprintf('saving results to %s (just in case).\n',file0);
0562 save(file0,'results');
0564 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CLEAN UP
0566 %%%%% CLUSTER CASE
0568 if usecluster
0570   % delete local files and directories
0571   for p=1:length(localfilestodelete)
0572     if exist(localfilestodelete{p},'dir')  % first dir, then file
0573       rmdir(localfilestodelete{p},'s');
0574     elseif exist(localfilestodelete{p},'file')
0575       delete(localfilestodelete{p});
0576     end
0577   end
0579   % delete remote files and directories
0580   for p=1:length(remotefilestodelete)
0581     assert(0==unix(sprintf('ssh %s "rm -rf %s"',remotelogin,remotefilestodelete{p})));
0582   end
0586 else
0588 end
0590 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REPORT
0592 fprintf('*** analyzePRF: ended at %s (%.1f minutes). ***\n', ...
0593         datestr(now),etime(clock,stime)/60);
0595 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% JUNK
0597 % % define the model (parameters are R C S G N [HRF])
0598 % modelfun = @(pp,dd) conv2run(posrect(pp(4)) * (dd*[vflatten(placematrix(zeros(res),makegaussian2d(resmx,pp(1),pp(2),abs(pp(3)),abs(pp(3)),xx,yy,0,0) / (2*pi*abs(pp(3))^2))); 0]) .^ posrect(pp(5)),pp(5+(1:numinhrf))',dd(:,prod(res)+1));
0599 % model = {{[] [1-res(1)+1 1-res(2)+1 0    0   NaN repmat(NaN,[1 numinhrf]);
0600 %               2*res(1)-1 2*res(2)-1 Inf  Inf Inf repmat(Inf,[1 numinhrf])] modelfun} ...
0601 %          {@(ss)ss [1-res(1)+1 1-res(2)+1 0    0   0   repmat(NaN,[1 numinhrf]);
0602 %                    2*res(1)-1 2*res(2)-1 Inf  Inf Inf repmat(Inf,[1 numinhrf])] @(ss)modelfun} ...
0603 %          {@(ss)ss [1-res(1)+1 1-res(2)+1 0    0   0   repmat(-Inf,[1 numinhrf]);
0604 %                    2*res(1)-1 2*res(2)-1 Inf  Inf Inf repmat(Inf,[1 numinhrf])] @(ss)modelfun}};
0605 %
0606 % % if not fitting the HRF, exclude the last model step
0607 % if ~wantfithrf
0608 %   model = model(1:2);
0609 % end
0610 %wantfithrf = 0;    % for now, leave at 0
0612 % results.hrf =      NaN*zeros(numvxs,numinhrf,numfits);
0613 % results.hrf(options.vxs,:,:) =  permute(a1.params(:,5+(1:numinhrf),:),[3 2 1]);
0614 % results.hrf =      reshape(results.hrf,      [xyzsize numinhrf numfits]);

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