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% Example 2: Analyze different splits of runs in a session


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% Example 2: Analyze different splits of runs in a session


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0001 %% Example 2: Analyze different splits of runs in a session
0003 %% Download dataset (if necessary) and add GLMdenoise to the MATLAB path
0005 setup;
0007 %% Load in the data
0009 % Load in the data
0010 load('exampledataset.mat');
0012 % Check the workspace
0013 whos
0014 %%
0016 %% Split session into two halves and analyze each half separately
0018 % In some circumstances, you may want to split the runs acquired in a given
0019 % session into groups and analyze each group separately.  For example, you might
0020 % want to train a classifier on data from some runs and then test the
0021 % classifer on data from other runs.  Here we go through an example where
0022 % we split a session of data (10 runs) into halves and analyze each half separately.
0024 % First, we define the way the runs are to be split.  In the first
0025 % iteration, we will analyze the odd runs.  In the second iteration,
0026 % we will analyze the even runs.
0027 splits = {[1:2:10] [2:2:10]};
0029 % For each split, we will analyze the data two ways.  First, we analyze the data
0030 % using no denoising (REGULAR).  Then, we analyze the data using denoising (DENOISE).
0031 % (To achieve no denoising, we set the number of PCs to try to zero.)
0032 clear resultsREGULAR resultsDENOISE;
0033 for p=1:length(splits)
0034   ix = splits{p};
0036   % analyze using no denoising
0037   resultsREGULAR(p) = GLMdenoisedata(design(ix),data(ix),stimdur,tr, ...
0038                         [],[],struct('numpcstotry',0), ...
0039                         sprintf('example2figures_REGULAR_split%d',p));
0041   % analyze using denoising
0042   resultsDENOISE(p) = GLMdenoisedata(design(ix),data(ix),stimdur,tr, ...
0043                         [],[],[], ...
0044                         sprintf('example2figures_DENOISE_split%d',p));
0046 end
0047 %%
0049 % The default mode of operation involves estimating an HRF from the data (in each
0050 % call to GLMdenoisedata).  Let's inspect the HRF results across the two splits of
0051 % the data.  The reason this may be important is that the beta weights that are
0052 % estimated in the model are scale factors that are applied to the HRF estimate,
0053 % and if the HRF estimates are highly different across the splits, that may be some
0054 % reason for concern.  In this case, we find that the HRF estimate is fairly
0055 % similar across the splits.  (An alternative strategy is to just fix the HRF to
0056 % a canonical HRF and use that for each split.)
0057 figure; hold on;
0058 hrf1 = resultsREGULAR(1).modelmd{1};
0059 hrf2 = resultsREGULAR(2).modelmd{1};
0060 plot(0:tr:tr*(length(hrf1)-1),hrf1,'r-');
0061 plot(0:tr:tr*(length(hrf2)-1),hrf2,'b-');
0062 xlabel('Time from condition onset (s)');
0063 ylabel('Response');
0064 title('HRF estimate across splits (red = odd runs, blue = even runs)');
0065 %%
0067 % Let's now examine the stability of beta weights across the data splits.
0068 % First, we choose a subset of the voxels.
0069 ix = find(resultsREGULAR(1).R2 > 10 & resultsREGULAR(1).meanvol > 500);
0071 % Then, we extract the beta weights corresponding to one of the
0072 % conditions (condition 10).  Notice that we have four sets of beta weights.
0073 % This is because for each of the two splits of the data, we have two
0074 % beta weight estimates (one using no denoising, one using denoising).
0075 beta1REGULAR = subscript(squish(resultsREGULAR(1).modelmd{2},3),{ix 10});
0076 beta2REGULAR = subscript(squish(resultsREGULAR(2).modelmd{2},3),{ix 10});
0077 beta1DENOISE = subscript(squish(resultsDENOISE(1).modelmd{2},3),{ix 10});
0078 beta2DENOISE = subscript(squish(resultsDENOISE(2).modelmd{2},3),{ix 10});
0080 % Visualize the results.
0081 figure;
0082 set(gcf,'Units','points','Position',[100 100 800 400]);
0083 subplot(1,2,1); hold on;
0084 scatter(beta1REGULAR,beta2REGULAR,'r.');
0085 axissquarify;
0086 xlabel('BOLD signal (% change), odd runs');
0087 ylabel('BOLD signal (% change), even runs');
0088 title(sprintf('No denoising (r=%.3f)',corr(beta1REGULAR,beta2REGULAR)));
0089 subplot(1,2,2); hold on;
0090 scatter(beta1DENOISE,beta2DENOISE,'r.');
0091 axissquarify;
0092 xlabel('BOLD signal (% change), odd runs');
0093 ylabel('BOLD signal (% change), even runs');
0094 title(sprintf('Denoising (r=%.3f)',corr(beta1DENOISE,beta2DENOISE)));
0095 %%
0097 %% Split session into individual runs and analyze each run separately
0099 % In some circumstances, you may wish to derive beta weights from individual
0100 % runs in a session.  Here we go through an example where we analyze each
0101 % of the runs in a session separately.  Note that denoising cannot be applied
0102 % if there is only a single run to work with (since cross-validation is performed
0103 % across runs).  So, instead of calling GLMdenoisedata.m, we will call
0104 % GLMestimatemodel.m.  Calling GLMestimatemodel.m also has the benefit that
0105 % we will avoid some of the overhead involved in GLMdenoisedata.m.
0107 % First, we define the ways the runs are to be split.  Every run will be
0108 % analyzed separately.
0109 splits = num2cell(1:10);
0111 % For demonstration purposes, we will adopt the strategy of assuming a fixed HRF
0112 % in the analysis of each run.  Here we compute a canonical HRF.
0113 hrf = getcanonicalhrf(stimdur,tr)';
0115 % Now we loop over each run, using GLMestimatemodel.m to fit a GLM to the data.
0116 % Notice that we specify that we want to use an assumed HRF.  Also, the "0"
0117 % indicates that we just want to fit the data (no bootstrapping nor cross-validation).
0118 clear resultsIND;
0119 for p=1:length(splits)
0120   ix = splits{p};
0121   resultsIND(p) = GLMestimatemodel(design(ix),data(ix),stimdur,tr,'assume',hrf,0);
0122 end
0123 %%
0125 % Let's examine the beta weights from each run for an example voxel.
0126 xx = 46; yy = 24; zz = 1;
0127 figure; hold on;
0128 set(gcf,'Units','points','Position',[100 100 700 250]);
0129 betas = [];
0130 for p=1:length(resultsIND)
0131   betas(p,:) = flatten(resultsIND(p).modelmd{2}(xx,yy,zz,:));
0132   plot(betas(p,:),'b-');
0133 end
0134 plot(mean(betas,1),'k-','LineWidth',3);
0135 straightline(0,'h','k-');
0136 xlabel('Condition number');
0137 ylabel('BOLD signal (% change)');
0138 title('Beta weights (blue = estimates from individual runs, black = mean across estimates)');
0139 %%

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