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function m = nanreplace(m,val,mode)


function m = nanreplace(m,val,mode)


 function m = nanreplace(m,val,mode)

 <m> is a matrix
 <val> (optional) is a scalar.  default: 0.
 <mode> (optional) is
   0 means replace all NaNs in <m> with <val>.
   1 means if the first element of <m> is not finite (i.e. NaN, -Inf, Inf), fill entire matrix with <val>.
   2 means if it is not true that all elements of <m> are finite and real, fill entire matrix with <val>.
   3 means replace any non-finite value in <m> in <val>.
   default: 0.

 isequal(nanreplace([1 NaN],0),[1 0])
 isequal(nanreplace([NaN 2 3],0,1),[0 0 0])


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function m = nanreplace(m,val,mode)
0003 % function m = nanreplace(m,val,mode)
0004 %
0005 % <m> is a matrix
0006 % <val> (optional) is a scalar.  default: 0.
0007 % <mode> (optional) is
0008 %   0 means replace all NaNs in <m> with <val>.
0009 %   1 means if the first element of <m> is not finite (i.e. NaN, -Inf, Inf), fill entire matrix with <val>.
0010 %   2 means if it is not true that all elements of <m> are finite and real, fill entire matrix with <val>.
0011 %   3 means replace any non-finite value in <m> in <val>.
0012 %   default: 0.
0013 %
0014 % example:
0015 % isequal(nanreplace([1 NaN],0),[1 0])
0016 % isequal(nanreplace([NaN 2 3],0,1),[0 0 0])
0018 % input
0019 if ~exist('val','var') || isempty(val)
0020   val = 0;
0021 end
0022 if ~exist('mode','var') || isempty(mode)
0023   mode = 0;
0024 end
0026 % do it
0027 switch mode
0028 case 0
0029   m(isnan(m)) = val;
0030 case 1
0031   if ~isfinite(m(1))
0032     m(:) = val;
0033   end
0034 case 2
0035   if ~all(isreal(m(:)) & isfinite(m(:)))
0036     m(:) = val;
0037   end
0038 case 3
0039   m(~isfinite(m)) = val;
0040 end

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