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function m = copymatrix(m,sub,val)


function m = copymatrix(varargin)


 function m = copymatrix(m,sub,val)

 <m> is a matrix.  can be [] when <sub> is a logical, in which case
   we assume <m> is zeros(size(<sub>)).
 <sub> is
   (1) some sort of index (e.g. vector of indices, logical mask)
   (2) a function that accepts <m> and outputs an index
 <val> is something that can be assigned to the <sub> indices

 return a copy of <m> that has <val> shoved into <sub>.
 this function is useful for making modifications of a matrix on-the-fly.

 isequal(copymatrix([1 2 3],@(x) x > 1,1),[1 1 1])


 function m = copymatrix(m,sub,dim,val)

 <m> is a matrix
 <sub> is a vector of indices or a vector of logicals
 <dim> is a dimension of <m>
 <val> is something that can be assigned to the <sub> indices of <m>,
   assuming ':' for all other dimensions

 return a copy of <m> that has <val> shoved into <sub>.
 this function is useful for making modifications of a matrix on-the-fly.

 copymatrix([1 2 3; 4 5 6],2,1,[1 2 3])


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function m = copymatrix(varargin)
0003 % function m = copymatrix(m,sub,val)
0004 %
0005 % <m> is a matrix.  can be [] when <sub> is a logical, in which case
0006 %   we assume <m> is zeros(size(<sub>)).
0007 % <sub> is
0008 %   (1) some sort of index (e.g. vector of indices, logical mask)
0009 %   (2) a function that accepts <m> and outputs an index
0010 % <val> is something that can be assigned to the <sub> indices
0011 %
0012 % return a copy of <m> that has <val> shoved into <sub>.
0013 % this function is useful for making modifications of a matrix on-the-fly.
0014 %
0015 % example:
0016 % imagesc(copymatrix(randn(10,10),rand(10,10)>.5,0));
0017 % isequal(copymatrix([1 2 3],@(x) x > 1,1),[1 1 1])
0018 %
0019 % OR
0020 %
0021 % function m = copymatrix(m,sub,dim,val)
0022 %
0023 % <m> is a matrix
0024 % <sub> is a vector of indices or a vector of logicals
0025 % <dim> is a dimension of <m>
0026 % <val> is something that can be assigned to the <sub> indices of <m>,
0027 %   assuming ':' for all other dimensions
0028 %
0029 % return a copy of <m> that has <val> shoved into <sub>.
0030 % this function is useful for making modifications of a matrix on-the-fly.
0031 %
0032 % example:
0033 % copymatrix([1 2 3; 4 5 6],2,1,[1 2 3])
0035 if nargin==3
0036   m = varargin{1};
0037   sub = varargin{2};
0038   val = varargin{3};
0039   if isa(sub,'logical') && isempty(m)
0040     m = zeros(size(sub));
0041   end
0042   if isa(sub,'function_handle')
0043     m(feval(sub,m)) = val;
0044   else
0045     m(sub) = val;
0046   end
0047 else
0048   m = varargin{1};
0049   sub = varargin{2};
0050   dim = varargin{3};
0051   val = varargin{4};
0052   ix = repmat({':'},[1 max(ndims(m),dim)]);
0053   ix{dim} = sub;
0054   m(ix{:}) = val;
0055 end

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