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function responses = GLMpredictresponses(model,design,tr,numtimepoints,dimdata)


function responses = GLMpredictresponses(model,design,tr,numtimepoints,dimdata)


 function responses = GLMpredictresponses(model,design,tr,numtimepoints,dimdata)

 <model> is one of the following:
   A where A is X x Y x Z x conditions x time with the timecourse of the 
     response of each voxel to each condition.  XYZ can be collapsed.
   {B C} where B is time x 1 with the HRF that is common to all voxels and
     all conditions and C is X x Y x Z x conditions with the amplitude of the 
     response of each voxel to each condition
   Note that in both of these cases, the first time point is assumed to be 
   coincident with condition onset.
 <design> is the experimental design.  There are three possible cases:
   1. A where A is a matrix with dimensions time x conditions.
      Each column should be zeros except for ones indicating condition onsets.
      (Fractional values in the design matrix are also allowed.)
   2. {A1 A2 A3 ...} where each of the A's are like the previous case.
      The different A's correspond to different runs, and different runs
      can have different numbers of time points.
   3. {{C1_1 C2_1 C3_1 ...} {C1_2 C2_2 C3_2 ...} ...} where Ca_b
      is a vector of onset times for condition a in run b.  Time starts at 0 
      and is coincident with the acquisition of the first volume.  This case 
      is compatible only with the common-HRF <model>.
 <tr> is the sampling rate in seconds
 <numtimepoints> is a vector with the number of time points in each run
 <dimdata> indicates the dimensionality of the voxels.
   A value of 3 indicates X x Y x Z, and a value of 1 indicates XYZ.

 Given various inputs, compute the predicted time-series response.

 <responses> as X x Y x Z x time or a cell vector of elements that are 
   each X x Y x Z x time.  The format of <responses> will be a matrix in the
   case that <design> is a matrix (case 1) and will be a cell vector in
   the other cases (cases 2 and 3).

 - 2013/05/12: allow <design> to specify onset times; add <tr>,<numtimepoints> as inputs
 - 2013/05/12: update to indicate fractional values in design matrix are allowed.
 - 2012/12/03: *** Tag: Version 1.02 ***
 - 2012/11/2 - Initial version.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function responses = GLMpredictresponses(model,design,tr,numtimepoints,dimdata)
0003 % function responses = GLMpredictresponses(model,design,tr,numtimepoints,dimdata)
0004 %
0005 % <model> is one of the following:
0006 %   A where A is X x Y x Z x conditions x time with the timecourse of the
0007 %     response of each voxel to each condition.  XYZ can be collapsed.
0008 %   {B C} where B is time x 1 with the HRF that is common to all voxels and
0009 %     all conditions and C is X x Y x Z x conditions with the amplitude of the
0010 %     response of each voxel to each condition
0011 %   Note that in both of these cases, the first time point is assumed to be
0012 %   coincident with condition onset.
0013 % <design> is the experimental design.  There are three possible cases:
0014 %   1. A where A is a matrix with dimensions time x conditions.
0015 %      Each column should be zeros except for ones indicating condition onsets.
0016 %      (Fractional values in the design matrix are also allowed.)
0017 %   2. {A1 A2 A3 ...} where each of the A's are like the previous case.
0018 %      The different A's correspond to different runs, and different runs
0019 %      can have different numbers of time points.
0020 %   3. {{C1_1 C2_1 C3_1 ...} {C1_2 C2_2 C3_2 ...} ...} where Ca_b
0021 %      is a vector of onset times for condition a in run b.  Time starts at 0
0022 %      and is coincident with the acquisition of the first volume.  This case
0023 %      is compatible only with the common-HRF <model>.
0024 % <tr> is the sampling rate in seconds
0025 % <numtimepoints> is a vector with the number of time points in each run
0026 % <dimdata> indicates the dimensionality of the voxels.
0027 %   A value of 3 indicates X x Y x Z, and a value of 1 indicates XYZ.
0028 %
0029 % Given various inputs, compute the predicted time-series response.
0030 %
0031 % Return:
0032 % <responses> as X x Y x Z x time or a cell vector of elements that are
0033 %   each X x Y x Z x time.  The format of <responses> will be a matrix in the
0034 %   case that <design> is a matrix (case 1) and will be a cell vector in
0035 %   the other cases (cases 2 and 3).
0036 %
0037 % History:
0038 % - 2013/05/12: allow <design> to specify onset times; add <tr>,<numtimepoints> as inputs
0039 % - 2013/05/12: update to indicate fractional values in design matrix are allowed.
0040 % - 2012/12/03: *** Tag: Version 1.02 ***
0041 % - 2012/11/2 - Initial version.
0043 % calc
0044 ismatrixcase = ~iscell(design);
0045 dimtime = dimdata + 2;
0046 if iscell(model)
0047   xyzsize = sizefull(model{2},dimdata);
0048 else
0049   xyzsize = sizefull(model,dimdata);
0050 end
0052 % make cell
0053 if ~iscell(design)
0054   design = {design};
0055 end
0057 % loop over runs
0058 responses = {};
0059 for p=1:length(design)
0061   % if onset-time case
0062   if iscell(design{p})
0064     % check that we have the case of common-HRF model
0065     assert(iscell(model));
0067     % calc
0068     alltimes = linspacefixeddiff(0,tr,numtimepoints(p));
0069     hrftimes = linspacefixeddiff(0,tr,length(model{1}));
0071     % loop over conditions
0072     temp = zeros(numtimepoints(p),length(design{p}));  % this will be time x conditions
0073     for q=1:length(design{p})
0075       % onset times for qth condition in run p
0076       otimes = design{p}{q};
0078       % intialize
0079       yvals = 0;
0081       % loop over onset times
0082       for r=1:length(otimes)
0084         % interpolate to find values at the data sampling time points
0085         yvals = yvals + interp1(otimes(r) + hrftimes,model{1}',alltimes,'pchip',0);
0087       end
0089       % record
0090       temp(:,q) = yvals;
0092     end
0094     % weight by the amplitudes
0095     responses{p} = reshape((temp * squish(model{2},dimdata)')',[xyzsize numtimepoints(p)]);  % X x Y x Z x time
0097   % if regular matrix case
0098   else
0100     % case of shared HRF
0101     if iscell(model)
0103       % convolve with HRF
0104       temp = conv2(full(design{p}),model{1});  % make full just in case design is sparse
0106       % extract desired subset of time-series
0107       temp = temp(1:numtimepoints(p),:);  % time x conditions
0109       % weight by the amplitudes
0110       responses{p} = reshape((temp * squish(model{2},dimdata)')',[xyzsize numtimepoints(p)]);  % X x Y x Z x time
0112     % case of individual timecourses
0113     else
0115       % length of each timecourse (L)
0116       len = size(model,dimtime);
0118       % expand design matrix using delta functions
0119       temp = constructstimulusmatrices(design{p}',0,len-1,0);  % time x L*conditions
0121       % weight design matrix by the timecourses
0122       responses{p} = reshape((temp * squish(permute(squish(model,dimdata),[3 2 1]),2))',[xyzsize numtimepoints(p)]);  % X x Y x Z x time
0124     end
0126   end
0128 end
0130 % undo cell if necessary
0131 if ismatrixcase
0132   responses = responses{1};
0133 end

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